Big Hammer Wines Real Wine Club

Big Hammer Wines Real Wine Club | (619) 567-9244 | BHW Real Wine Club – Unadulterated, Honest Wines: Low Sugar, Low Alcohol, Low Sulfites, No Additives

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Hi everybody. This is Greg Martellotto with

I’m here to talk to you about the Big Hammer Wines Real Wine Club.

These are wines that are lower in alcohol, lower in sugar, low sulphur and guaranteed to have no chemical additives, neither in the vineyard practices nor in the wine itself.

If you’re a person who’s concerned about what goes into your body, what you eat and drink, and you are particularly interested in organic, biodynamic or natural wines practices, this is the wine club for you.

Let me tell you something about wines in general.

Have you ever notice that when you walk into a grocery store all the products in the store typically have nutrition labels and ingredients labels, except alcohol.

Wine in particular is this big question mark. It is this big black box with no information on it. For a variety of reasons it is not required in the US to tell you what is in your wine.

This is one of the biggest reasons that our Real Wine Club has exploded in growth over the last couple of years.

People want to know and are demanding to know what is in the wine they drink.

When you go to a grocery store you quite simply are not given any of that information.

You have no way to know what is the sugar level, the alcohol may or may not be accurate on the label, and you have no way to know about the chemical or other additives that may have been inserted into the wine or the vineyard.

That is where the BHW Real Wine Club comes into play.

I hope you will be able to join us because people across the country are demanding more and better wines with lower alcohol, lower sugar and chemical free.

We offer that, we guarantee it, and if you don’t like it, we will refund your money.

Big Hammer Wines
75 Los Padres Way
Buellton, CA 93427

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