How to figure out what wines you like

How to figure out what wines you like

Are you new to the world of wine? Have you been drinking the ‘family wine’ but you didn’t have a chance to actually figure out what kind of wine you enjoy? Or, did you start dating someone that loves wine and you would like to find something you can drink with them?
Louise Loehwing and Ania Fiduccia, your wine educators, encourage you to start keeping a wine journal and writing down what you drink and what you think of it. Write down your tasting notes and the label information.

Other tips: find out what apple juice and grapefruit juice have to do with wine. Also, did you know that how you drink your coffee can help you determine what region in the world might be a good match for your taste preference? And, why is it a good idea to taste 5 different types of wine before you cross it off your list.

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